British Columbia may have started the biggest online gambling movement of the current generation when they announced they would be offering Internet gambling to their residents. Now, Canadian provinces are lining up to follow B.C. into the online gaming industry.
Alberta and Ontario officials have made comments in recent months suggesting that they’re both willing to examine the possibility of online gambling regulations and the two provinces seem to be taking an if rather than when attitude towards online casinos.
Saskatchewan has now become the latest province to throw their name into the mix. The Saskatchewan government is moving slowly and ensuring that all precautions are taken before moving into the online gambling industry.
Saskatchewan will have experience to draw from when it comes to gambling. Already, 2 land based casinos exist in the province, leading residents to understand the dangers of casino gambling. Gaming Minister Ken Cheveldayoff believes it is time to keep Internet gaming revenue in the province.
"We're open to the idea," said Ken Cheveldayoff. "We want to learn more about it." If the province does become serious about advancing into the industry, there likely will be political pressure to come up with details on how problem gambling and other potential problems will be controlled.
Ken Cheveldayoff estimates that $40 million is spent annually by Saskatchewan residents at offshore online gambling sites. The Gaming Minister is hoping the province can give residents an option where that $40 million can stay within the borders of Saskatchewan.
British Columbia has already launched their gaming site,, but the B.C. Lottery Corp. had to pull the site down just hours after launching because of a security breach issue.
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Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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