Online Vegas Casino have a jam-packed month of Slots action this September! As usual the tournament schedule is full of great ways to play, with over 113 different events and over $425,000 guaranteed in prize pools. There is a range of events to suit all tastes and pocket sizes, and Slots, Video Poker and Blackjack players can make the most of all this Vegas Technology powered online casino has to offer. With massive Casino Bonus deals and free slots waiting for all new players and an online gaming arena full of fabulous Las Vegas fun, Online Vegas Casino are just waiting to show you how good your game should always be!
Online Vegas Casino have a $8,888 guaranteed Slot tournament running every day from Monday to Friday. These events have a split prize pool, $4,444 in cash and $4,444 in bonus bucks and they have a surprisingly reasonable entry fee. For just $6.99 you get to enter and start the games off with 250 casino credits to spin those reels, then re-buys to keep you playing for a share of the prize pool are $6.99 too. The first event each week start on a Monday at 10.30pm and runs for 24 hours, the last one ending on a Friday at 10.30pm. The Slot games under the tournament spotlight this week are Ja Man, City Of Gold, Funky Chicken and Cash Caboose. It’s non-stop fast and furious Slots action every day this week, with a $8,888 guaranteed prize pool up for grabs for all players looking to spin those reels and have some fun. Just push the Calida Gaming button to see more of Online Vegas Casino’s $8,888 Guaranteed Tournaments.
Free Slots And Big Casino Bonuses From Online Vegas Casino

Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5
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Rating : 4.5