MONTICELLO — Countless failed casino schemes were dismissed and a new path to gambling was risked Monday as another Indian tribe signed another deal for a casino in Sullivan County.
Before a crowd of 200 and beneath the bright lights of several TV cameras, Gov. David Paterson and the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians signed a compact for a $700 million casino in Bridgeville, off Route 17's Exit 107.
Standing in the same Government Center room where, nearly 10 years ago, Gov. George Pataki signed a law allowing three Indian casinos in the Catskills, Paterson touted the thousands of jobs and billions of dollars this first casino would mean to the state and struggling Sullivan County, with one of the highest unemployment rates in New York.
"A catalyst for great economic development right here in (the Town of) Thompson and all of Sullivan County," said Paterson, flanked by Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Maurice Hinchey, Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, former Rep. Ben Gilman and other officials.
Before a crowd of 200 and beneath the bright lights of several TV cameras, Gov. David Paterson and the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians signed a compact for a $700 million casino in Bridgeville, off Route 17's Exit 107.
Standing in the same Government Center room where, nearly 10 years ago, Gov. George Pataki signed a law allowing three Indian casinos in the Catskills, Paterson touted the thousands of jobs and billions of dollars this first casino would mean to the state and struggling Sullivan County, with one of the highest unemployment rates in New York.
"A catalyst for great economic development right here in (the Town of) Thompson and all of Sullivan County," said Paterson, flanked by Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Maurice Hinchey, Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, former Rep. Ben Gilman and other officials.
Indians sign Sullivan casino pact

Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5
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Rating : 4.5